Coaching-ul echipei de management

Ce se intampla cu echipele de management?

Echipa de management este, din mai toate punctele de vedere, cel mai important grup din orice organizatie. Ei au cea mai mare putere de a influenta mersul lucrurilor. Deciziile lor au reverberatii nu numai pentru orice alt membru din organizatie, ci si pentru viitorul intregii companii. Foarte multi dintre voi isi doresc cu putere sa ajunga la acest nivel. Multi dintre voi sunt deja acolo si au realizat ca, de cele mai multe ori, echipa de management are prea putine resurse si abilitati pentru a-si atinge obiectivele.

Membrii echipei de conducere sunt alesi, de obicei, din cauza responsabilitatilor lor functionale. In plus, mai exista un criteriu care, indiferent cat de emotional suna, atarna greu in balanta extinderii echipei de management: „pe X nu trebuie sa il lasam pe dinafara, e …important!„. Implicit, majoritatea echipelor nu se simt suficient de sigure cat sa isi asume pana la capat design-ul si viitorul companiei. De cele mai multe ori, echipele de management sunt de fapt grupuri de manageri seniori, fiecare cu responsabilitati departamentale si fara nici o idee de a lucra impreuna, altfel decat in interactiuni si dezbateri individuale.

Poate te voi surprinde cu informatia urmatoare: folosirea echipelor de conducere in varful organizatiilor este un fenomen relativ nou. Modul in care leadership-ul structural si functional este organizat in companii este rezultatul unor modele culturale foarte puternice. Hegemonia modelelor de business din Occident (si din USA) a modelat definitiv aparitia si functionarea echipei de management din varfurile organizatiilor. Insa altceva este foarte important, in acest contezt: in ultimele decade, folosirea echipei de management a devenit din ce in ce mai importanta din cauza cresterii complexitatii si diversitatii problemelor, atat in piata specifica (care a devenit globala!), cat si in interiorul companiei (care a fost nevoita sa se adapteze la modele globale de business!).

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Programul Conferintei ICF Romania 2012

One full day – Key Notes and Workshops

@Hotel Phoenicia, Bucharest

08:30 – 09:00

09:00 – 10:00 Local Chapter presentation and achievements; ICF Global update

10:00 – 11:30 Speaker No. 1: Andrea Lee, Founder and CEO of the

The Future of Coaching: How Coaching is Adding Value and Generating Income in 2012 and Beyond

The lecture will focus on current technology, trends, and real case studies of successful coaching that is earning 6 figures and beyond, using multiple modalities. Appropriate for the solo coach practitioner as well as larger organizations outside of the coaching field, the presentation will open up a broad picture of possibilities, show the realities of what it takes to achieve this kind of success, and leave the audience with a tool to decide whether the new ways to make money with coaching are for them.

Andrea Lee has the legacy of Thomas Leonard, who founded CoachVille School of Coaching, International Coach Federation and International Association for Certified Coaches. Lee is an entrepreneurial futurist, coaching companies around the world to succeed in business through a new and personal leadership approach.

11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break

11:45 – 13:15 Speaker No. 2: Alan Seale, PCC, CTPC, MSC

“Transformational Leadership Coaching Part I – Empowering Approaches for Uncertain Times”

Lecture will focus on skills and approaches that are critical for coaches and leaders during uncertain times – who we must be as coaches and important leadership qualities that are needed in today’s rapidly changing world.

Alan Seale is a Leadership and Transformation Coach, Founder and Director of the Center for Transformational Presence, and author of the books Create A World That Works, The Manifestation Wheel, The Power of Your Presence, Intuitive Living, and Soul Mission * Life Vision.

13:15 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 16:30 Workshop Alan Seale

“The Future of Coaching: 8 Steps to Maximize the Internet and Create Coaching Income”

To take advantage of the new ways coaching can add value and income to businesses large and small, we must look to the Internet as a tool. Through the concepts of generosity and education, as well as new technologies such as live streaming video, we can open up new markets in places around the world. Essential to the conversation is the concept of thought leadership, or standing out in a crowded market. Once your bold positioning has been established, the next step is to create an automated, attractive, evergreen sample offering. We will have hands-on exercises for each of these pieces to allow attendees to leave the workshop with concrete takeaways they can implement.

14:30 – 16:30 Workshop Andrea Lee

“Transformational Leadership Coaching Part II: Tools and Skills for Uncertain Times” in detail

No one has ever been where we are now in the world. In today’s world, there is no guidebook or model to show us the way. We have to be able to engage the intuitive mind for guidance and direction as we create new pathways toward our future and a world that works. Therefore, the afternoon workshop will follow on from the morning lecture with specific coaching tools for engaging the intuitive mind in leadership coaching. Specifically, we will focus on three intelligences within us and on learning to listen to potential and let it show us the way forward.

16:30 – 16:45 Coffee Break

16:45 – 17:30 Closing

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Eveniment: The Missing Element in Leadership

Pe 28 Aprilie 2011 are loc conferinta anuala a capitolului local al Federatiei Internationale de Coaching din Romania. Te invit sa participi, daca esti interesat de coaching si de modurile in care aceasta profesie iti poate impacta viata la nivelul cel mai profund. Desi nu voi fi prezent, sustin acest eveniment din toata inima. Cu cat avem o comunitate de coaching mai dezvoltata, cu atat profesia este mai cunoscuta si va avea mai mare impact asupra dezvoltarii societatii romanesti. Mai mult decat atat, prin existenta acestor evenimente se poate contura cu claritate ce inseamna sa fii profesionist in coaching.

Datorita lui Serban Chinole si echipei sale, acest eveniment a capatat amploare, atat pe plan local, cat si pe plan international. Invitatii sunt si ei de renume mondial, iar atmosfera si interactiunile vor fi, garantat, de calitate. Ca dovada, ai mai jos un mesaj personal pentru Romania de la Ed Modell, presedintele desemnat pe 2011 International Coach Federation:



Serban imi „sopteste” ca daca participi poti castiga participarea la un super-workshop de coaching. In Amsterdam!